Featured NewsDrone VideoFPV DronesDrone Rides Mountain Bike Better Than Professional

A Drone riding a mountain bike? Who could have anticipated this ten years ago… or ever?
In an incredible video shot by Matt Weldon, he shows that drones too can shred trails just as well as other mountain bikers. Weldon states “It felt pretty crazy to be flying in the air and feel this little helicopter buzzing by your head”.
This 2 minute and 32-second video displays three successful mountain biking runs until one of the rider’s tires got knocked out of air. You can truly feel the dirt and the pure adrenaline rushing through the riders as you watch this clip.
Our community of drone users is the only one capable of capturing raw footage such as this. Never before has there been a chance to obtain a first-person point-of-view while riding a mountain bike. Drones and people like you are making it possible to get dirty and experience these incredible feats that many can only dream of.