Featured NewsTrending NewsDrone DeliveryFAA Gives Amazon Air BVLOS Approval


03 June 2024

The much-hyped, occasionally stalled Amazon drone delivery program received a massive boost last week when the FAA provided the company with a Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) certification. The FAA ruling really clears the path for accelerated progress—and increased range—as previous drone deliveries had to be made within a pilot's sight lines. As a result, most of Amazon's deliveries—small packages being the norm (five pounds maximum payload)—were dropped off to just a few Amazon Fulfillment Centers.
The next phases of the plan could include package delivery right to your door.
Read Amazon's Blog on the Certification

The BVLOS approval will let Amazon Air pilots deploy remote instruments and onboard monitoring technology to zoom deliver drones to areas they can't see—at least with their very own eyes.

To get the BVLOS approval, Amazon had to enact real-world demonstrations in front of FAA inspectors to prove the company's "detect and avoid" tech safely identified and steered clear of airplanes, helicopters, and other airborne obstacles.
But the FAA cerification isn't open to all locations across the United States. Yet.
The initial approval is for an "expanded, densely populated" delivery area near Amazon's College Station, Texas, Fulfillment Center. 
Amazon also revealed it is testing Prime Air in Arizona and California, and is planning to upgrade its drone fleet to quieter MK30 models with more range, as well as the ability to fly in less-than-clear weather. 

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