Featured NewsTrending NewsMilitaryPentagon Says AI drone fleet needed to combat China


Above photo: U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks at recent press conference.

11 September 2023

"We’re not at war," says U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks. "We are not seeking to be at war, but we have to be able to get this department to move with that same kind of urgency because the PRC isn’t waiting."

Hicks was discussing the alleged "pacing challenge" the Pentagon is experiencing as China deploys AI and other technologies in a massive military buildup—and Beijing's colossal rollout is also being informed by the needs of modern warfare. For example, China is committing deeply to AI research and development, and its military is not slowed by regulations.

China's military has already surpassed the U.S. in troop size, as well as the number of ships and missiles. Disquieting to say the least...

As a result, the Pentagon is evaluating military tech such as an AI-powered fleet of autonomous drones to compete with China, as well as counter threats from Beijing in the future. The U.S. project will cost millions of dollars; produce thousands of air, sea, and land systems; and deploy within two years.

Autonomous U.S. military systems are reportedly being devised for navigation and targeting.

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