Featured NewsTrending NewsPilots StoriesPilot's Story: Claudio E Aymat


19 June 2024

By Claudio E Aymat

Life doesn’t always allow you to take the exact path you originally wanted, but coming full circle,I believe my detoured journey has made it possible for me to be well rounded and do something that I enjoy and makes me happy. I believe that’s very important. I take high resolution aerial photography and videography as well as perform high end editing and graphic design. I take pride in my work as I have a blast doing it. It’s something I couldn’t have imagined while growing up since drones weren’t a thing in the '90s. Back then, I thought I was either going to be a cartoonist, actor, or film maker! I would have had to think with a futuristic mentality to imagine being a drone photographer and videographer. I have worked in nightclubs, cell phone companies, winery marketing, and sales industries but none of them gave me the feeling of freedom, joy, and cutting edge artistic creativity like embarking into the droning industry.

Prior to being a drone pilot, I was a national on-site trainer for a tech repair franchising company. I loved my job because I could help new business owners fulfill their business dreams and help their employees be the best version of themselves and succeed. Even though I loved my job, I often wished I was in the franchisee's place and owned my own business again. I started getting ideas and urges as I gave instruction, mentorship, and guidance that I could have my own successful business.  I eventually saw my being at work as an opportunity to learn everything I needed to start that unidentified future venture. Just having that mindset allowed me to think differently and more creatively while helping my franchisees start and operate successfully.  I could feel that my time was coming, and I felt that I had the tools, resources, and experience to succeed. I stopped seeing it as on-site training for a specific tech repair franchise but instead converted my teachings, guidance and mentorship into a general concept that could be applied to many companies and industries. This new way of thinking gave me a broader view of possibilities that could be available to someone with my skills and mindset.  It was quite a five year journey as an on-site trainer, but I knew I was outgrowing my position and needed to spread my wings into the higher altitude of business opportunities.

I started wracking my brain with the haunting question of “What new business should I start?”

At  least, I already knew that it had to be something I loved and wouldn’t mind doing everyday. My wife and I thought about it alot and came up with ideas like AC repair, or garage door installations, even buying some kind of a franchise was on the table. I would crunch the numbers and research the industries but none of them gave me genuine joy. So I revisited an idea I had years back, the idea of flying drones and getting paid to do so. By this point in time I’ve been messing around and flying drones recreationally for 5+ years and loved doing so. I didn’t own the best drones, not even good drones, but I loved the freedom of flying and capturing photos and videos from such unique and liberating perspectives. I felt like I could be onto something there. With the encouragement of my wife, I started doing a deep dive into the droning industry and putting together a comprehensive business plan to see if what I love doing recreationally can be something I can do professionally and make a good living.  The numbers checked out and the time was right.

After a lot of thinking and research, I decided to pull the trigger on becoming a professional drone pilot. I knew it was a great idea because I loved flying drones but I have loved all things remote control related since I was around 10 years old. It also made sense to pursue this because I have been around photography and videography most of my life since my father was in both industries until retiring a few years ago. I even started a production company 15+ years ago in an attempt to work together with my father as my photographer. We worked closely together to make creatively-inspired photo productions for high-end clients and with every photoshoot we did and edited I grew closer to the craft.  All of my previous professional experiences have prepared me mentally for this new endeavor. From owning and operating a tattoo shop / art studio to owning a production company, the list of lessons learned is too long to note but has inspired business instinct.

The beauty of creativity is the perpetual creative motion that follows it. Once the creative spark is ignited, the spreading web of possibilities is jump started. In my case, it’s art. Shooting and editing aerial photos and videos allows me to use a level of creativity that I can’t just contain and restrict to basic drone job projects. It stimulates my ambition to venture off path but still aligned with the creation of art. I have had the opportunity to start a clothing line once again inspired by aerial art. I also take aerial photos specifically for wall canvas art.  I’m even working on graphic design projects to be utilized for marketing and advertising for businesses. I believe in practicing creativity in everything I do, It keeps me focused and stress free. The ability to think on your feet, solve problems, and present solutions is something I truly enjoy.

I have a three year plan.

I’m currently in year one and am establishing a solid portfolio. Prioritizing quality connections in the community, staying Informed with trends, and constantly growing the company.  In year two and three I would like to move into the 3D modeling and thermal imagery spaces. They are lucrative opportunities but require more technical and tactical approaches. Just like anything, I’ll do the research, take some courses if needed, and dive in head first.  This move will open up more opportunities in different  industries expanding the array of services we provide.

Some of the industries that I have my eyes on are construction, commercial real estate, and utilities. From collecting thermal data to solve problems to creating 3D images to report to investors.

I would also still be able to take aerial photos and videos for marketing and advertisements. All things that allow me to be my own boss and truly pave my own path. After many years trudging the trenches of corporate America, I am leaping back into the freedom of possibilities of entrepreneurship.

Looking to share my love of creating art, my passion for offering a fresh perspective, and my abilities in drone photography, photographic art, business applications, consulting and support. Want to grow your market presence? Give the world a bird’s eye view!

Planetary View Drone Group was established to build a bridge between art, marketing, creativity, and commercial branding to enable multiple markets and industries exposure to a higher view of possibilities.

“The sky is not your limit. Your limit is your vision.”

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