Featured NewsProduct NewsThe New Baywatch May Be "Drone Watch"


24 June 2024

While certainly not as alluring as David Hasselhoff or Pamela Anderson dashing across the sand in the original Baywatch television series, rescue drones could make beaches safer for both swimmers and lifeguards. 

A "flying lifebuoy" can be quickly sent over distances in rough or challenging seas that might be dangerous for conventional rescue personnel. Chinese manufacturer Didiok Makings recently produced the TY-3R Flying Lifebuoy drone. The TY-3R can travel at 29 mph, has a communication range of approximately 0.7 miles, can land on water, and is capable of supporting up to two adults in distress. With the swimmer(s) rapidly stabilized by the floatation drone, a lifeguard can complete the rescue by using a watercraft. Additional specifications include a weight of under 11 pounds, the ability to be submerged three feet for 30 minutes, an IP68 waterproof rating, and protective screens over its propellers.

The TY-3R isn't as expensive as hiring Hasselhoff as a lifeguard, but its not an insignificant expense for lifeguard teams, either. The TY-3R is currently available direct from the Didiok Makings website for $11,803. While a panicked swimmer might be more enthused to see a Baywatch star en route for a rescue, the speed of the TY-3R will definitely make it a hero for those in need.
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