Featured NewsTrending NewsLight ShowsWhat? Deep Fake Drones?


01 November 2023

A giant drone skeleton floating near the world’s tallest building—Burj Khalifa in Dubai—during a Halloween celebration went viral on social media.

However, the spooktacular event may have been a trick, rather than a treat.

Reportedly part of a drone show by Russia's Geoscan company, the skeleton even got a "wow" from Elon Musk on X.

However, photos show the skeleton's feet appear too low to for the drones to be flying safely, and some media outlets are questioning whether the video is real.

It wouldn't be the first time Dubai has been the location of a fake video, as a huge Barbie doll emerging from its pink Mattel box was really a CGI-enhanced creation by the social media agency Eye Studio. 

Apparently, fact checks from ghouls and goblins have not been posted yet, but you can make your own determination by clicking the below link to see for yourself.


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